Well, it seems like time has passed by again and the old blog has been ignored! Yet again life has flown by and now it is March already! Things here are just rolling along with a few speed bumps put in to make life interesting!
This weekend Collin and I will be at IPFW at the Regional Science Fair. The child was thrilled that his Science Fair project was chosen!!! I am so proud of how he is able to do speeches and give presentations at such a young age. I know that when I was his age, I was terrified of speaking in front of others. He, on the other hand, loves to do church readings and presentations in front of his class or even the whole school!
His class is also studying the United States and they have to be able to locate them on the map. I am pretty sure that this is one of those skills that when you don't use it...you loose it a little bit! I found a fun website
(click here) for him to practice. Check it out! See if you are smarter than a 3rd grader...that is what is says on the site!
School is going well for me...I forgot that the word college basically means READING!!! I am having a little bit of a problem fitting time in for all of the reading that is required! I will be happy to see the snow go away. It seems like every Tuesday (when I have class at night) we have a major snow/ice/sleet storm pass us by! IPFW is on Spring Break this week although it doesn't seem to Spring"ish" to me! I will say that it is better so I am not complaining!!!
I also have been busy with some wonderful projects over at
Paper Popsicles!!!! I tell everyone that I know that she has the best kits for the best prices around! I am in charge of doing a monthly challenge with the monthly kits so you should stop over and check them out! Here are the layout/cards that I did for
March's Challenge where I focused on titles...

I must also tell you that I was fortunate enough to get some of my incredibly talented friend, Andrea's, paperline from her newest release and it is AWESOME!!!! Here are a couple of projects with her paper and rub-ons!! Check out where you can get some of your own

I may be a little partial, but I think Andrea's lines are awesome! Thanks again Andrea!!!
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers for our family with regards to the house fire that my brother-in-law and his family went through a little over a week ago. It is hard to imagine that in one days time how your life can change! We went from planning to go to dinner with them at Cebellos that night to them having a house fire and now not being able to "go home" for 2 or more months. We are so grateful that no one was hurt and that their house was not a total loss. There are lots of pieces to pick up, and I am so thankful that we have family and friends around to help!
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter....I can't even believe that I just typed that!!! It is the second week of March....but I truly hope that your Easter is filled with many blessings!