Here is a place where I will share my thoughts, scrapbook projects, and photos with those I care about most! Thanks for coming over for a visit and stop back often!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A funny afternoon!

Okay so it is Saturday evening and I just have to write the happenings of this afternoon down I figure that this is the best place for now! Collin had an eye doctors appointment after his football game so off we went to the mall for some lunch and then to the eye doctors. Patrick was actually able to go with us as he did not have to work today (a minor miracle in itself!) so it was the 3 of us.

We waited our turn and this was no ordinary eye doctor appointment....Collin was going to see about getting contacts. Not really because HE wanted them, but because the football coach would not let him wear his glasses. His MOTHER was forced to wear the sports goggles (not attractive at all!!!) so I was hoping to spare him from this! The eye doctor warned me that he MAY not be able to do contacts because of his age...."no problem" I thought, but let's at least try! So we go in the first room and the Dr. tell Collin, "put your head on the chin rest and look directly into the lens" my obedient son does just that. The next thing you hear is the noise of the tiny poof of air that they shoot into your eye and Collin about falls out of his chair because he is so taken aback from it. He clanks his head into the machine, holds his eye like he has been shot with a bullet, and screams, "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR????". I am almost rolling on the ground laughing...see he has never had the pressure test done before (found out today that those start when kids reach double digits!) so he had no idea what he was setting himself up for! He looks over at me and snarls, "DID YOU KNOW THEY WERE GOING TO DO THAT?" I calmed down a bit and said, "yes, honey". The Dr. was laughing at this point too, and then had nerve enough to say, "ok Collin ready for the next eye"....uh yeah Collin was not falling for this trick twice! It took a lot of convincing to get him to put his chin on the chin rest again!

So we finish the pressure test and then are escorted to the next room. The Dr. asks Collin to read from the eye chart across the room. He tells him a specific line to read. So Collin starts I am looking at the same chart and the child has not gotten ONE letter/number right. I nervously tell him to slow down and take his time. Mind you this is him reading the chart WITH his current glasses on. He keeps going.....still missing them. I am thinking I am the worst mom in child is blind and I didn't even notice!!!! Finally the Dr. says to him, "ok, how about the last line".....this is the biggest line, you know only one letter...E. Collin says "I don't see a line with one letter"......"WHAT??"....I am freaking out here, but trying to stay calm!!! "Oh, says the Dr, your chair is not up high enough for you to see the whole chart". ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I was about to have congestive heart failure at my inadequacies of parenting and the chair was not high enough up?????

So then we continue on....Collin is going through the whole thing, "which one looks better 1 or 2, A or B, 3 or 4" and things are starting to sail along. So we are almost done and he is checking a couple of last things having him read the eye chart again. Collin is reading along with the right eye and the Dr. says that he got them all right. Then the Dr. switches over to the left eye and Collin stops after like two letters. Oh no I think here we go again. The doctor encourages him to keep going that he is not done with the line yet and Collin says, "oh I know I am not done, I really can't see the next letter so I am trying to remember what I said for the other eye so I get them all right again." The Dr. and I both just laughed! My son!!!! Too funny!

So next we go to the actual putting in/taking out of the contacts...yeeegads I was nervous! But to my amazement Collin did wonderfully! He stayed calm and got the contacts in/out relatively easily! The lady helping us (after we were done) says, "wow, I have never had success with a child under 14, you did great!". Thank God she said that afterwards!!!!

So anyway, Collin, who did not really want the contacts LOVES them! He says it is like a whole new world....that he can see soooo good. Little mom knew that was because the contacts were clean and not dirty like his glasses!!! So he says at the end that he thinks he may want to wear them for more than just sports.

So this whole time Patrick is sitting in the waiting room as the exam rooms are very small. We come out after 3 hours and he looks at me like, "what the h#$$ just happened"...I just grinned and said that it was an adventure!

Sorry this is so long, hope you got a chuckle about our little adventure!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ABBA, The Carpenters, and Cruise Control...

What do these three things have in common??? ME! I have spent over 8 hours in the last two days traveling back and forth to Indianapolis!!!! I am doing some training for my new job and the training is in INDY! Love the city, but love it more when I am there to rest, relax, shop, or go to a Colts game (love those Colts!!!), not to sit in a cubicle and train!

So some of my good friends over at Paper Popsicle (have you seen the latest kits over there???) gave me some suggestions on what to do during those long drives! I took up the one suggestion and got out some old CD's that I love to sing (yeah but the boys in my life don't like to hear me sing them) and just belted out the tunes all of the way home! Yes, I got some weird looks and the van did shake from me beating out the tunes on the steering wheel, but in the blink of an eye, I was home!!! Loved it! Next time I am going to bring some more of my oldies, but goodies to belt out to the driving world! So if you are on 69 and you see a crazy woman in a blue van singing...yes, that is me! Give me a wave, I will wave back....and don't worry my windows are up so you can't hear me!

Hope you are all having a great week! Here's to not driving to least until next week!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A great weekend!!!

Well, yes the weekend did go by fast, but it was a great one! I just love having 2 days a week that I can spend with my family, doing the hobby that I love, and yes, even getting caught up on the things that I can't seem to get done during the week (uh, that would be the housework!).

Collin had a football game again on Saturday and they TIED!!!!! A tie you say....well, that is not a win, but in our book it IS!!! The 5th grade football team has never won a game in Queen of Angels history so YES, we count a tie as a WIN!!!! I don't know what it is about the other teams...the kids seam to be giants! Literally some of them look like they are old enough to drive themselves to the games, and I am sure that some of them are already shaving....because they need to not just because they want to! LOL! It is all OK, the kids get excited about the little things...first downs, touchdowns, stopping the other team from scoring over 50 points...when it comes down to it, it IS the little things that are important in life, right?

The other good things of the weekend....
*Patrick's flag football team won
*Colts won
*Got my scrap room cleaned
*Found some school uniform pants for Collin (yeah nothing like waiting until the last minute...on October 1st they can't wear shorts to school anymore)
*Got to watch a movie with my hubby
*Enjoyed listening to Collin play with a friend from is amazing how their imagination goes into over drive with a yo yo, stuffed animal, some yarn, and a bunk bed....we now have a spider web made out of yarn with a yo yo (for the spider) in Collin's room!
*Got to scrapbook...2 pages done in one weekend!!!!
*Got some other miscellaneous errands and housework done!!!

So I hope you had a great weekend....accomplished what you wanted to do AND took some time to just enjoy life!
I will leave you with pictures of the two layouts I did this weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tag, I am IT!!!

One of my dear friends that I have met through the wonderful world of scrapbooking, Becca, "tagged" me. What does that mean...well, I copied her post on her blog (yeah, cause I am lazy and didn't want to re-type it!), okay and I did change a few names....

from Becca's blog....
Thanks Becca (name changed here), I feel special (this is straight from her blog, but I do feel special that she thought of me!!)! Ok, so Becca (name changed here also!) tagged me. Here is how it works...I list 7 random things about me, then I tag 7 other people. This isn't just a scrappy thing, so if I tag you, you can play!

Here are my 7 random things:
*I don't like feet....I only like my son's feet when he was younger!
*I have a little OCD thing with numbers...don't really like odd ones so much
*I don't organize my photos AT ALL (I know gasp, shock amongst the scrappy community)...don't tell anyone about this ok?
*I love to watch my husband play football!!!!
*I love Sushi!!!! Don't knock it if you have not tried it!!!
*I have no directional sense at ALL!!! I am sure that this is NOT a surprise to some of you who have traveled with me or heard about my travel experiences!
*I love to play tennis!!! Didn't say I was very good, but love to play!

Here are my tagged people! If you don't have a blog, don't think that takes you off the hook, I want you to leave comments here!!! Come will be fun!!!!

1. Carrie
2. Samantha
3. Becky
4. Amy Saliek
5. Sue Ellsworth
6. Clara Cart
7. Amy Kline

Have fun with it!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What a GREAT night!!!

I had the best time last night scrapping (okay so I didn't really scrap THAT much!!) but I did talk, laugh, eat, and laugh ALOT! Over a year ago my good friend Becky Cates asked me if I would be interested in co-hosting a crop at her house....I said "YES!!!, would love to!" Well, it took us a while to get the timing right, but last night we hosted over 25 incredible women at her house! I have not laughed that much in one evening in a long time! It was AWESOME!!! We had a patriotic theme from our invitations to the decorations to the little project that we asked each scrapper to participate in. I made up little card bags with different "goodies" in them...and I use the word "goodies" loosely! They were not the best of products...they were very old and from my "never touch that stuff anymore stash". We asked each scrapper to create a card for someone in our Armed Forces so that we could collect them at the end of the night and send them out. Everyone was AMAZED at the cards created....they were fantastic!!!!! I am going to scan them and put them on my blog in another post.

So a huge thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our little event and an even bigger thank you to Becky for asking me to be a part of this!!!! What a great night!!!!!

Here are just a few of the pictures from the evening!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Did you see it? What you ask? Why the Colts game last night of course!!!! What a great game!!!! Yes, I stayed up late just to watch my Colts team kick some major butt!!! Love this team!!!! They have picked up some great players to add to their already awesome team!!!

I love the fall season with the start of football, fall leaves, cooler weather, it is one of my favorite seasons! Growing up in Florida, I have come to really appreciate all of seasons, even the one that starts with a W!!! Okay I will admit that I like winter better from the inside of my house, but in Florida we NEVER got a snow day....and those are a nice welcome break!

Well, this weekend we are off to my parents house in Columbia City where we will see my brother before he moves East. He just got a promotion to a Regional Manager with K Mart. We are sooooo proud of him!!!

Saturday, Collin also has his first 5th grade football game....yes you could say that dad and I are excited about this!!!! He was not super fired up about playing football, but we gently encouraged him and his comment this past week was, "I may have to play football again next perfect my skill, you know!". So funny! I am glad that he enjoys it! I will post pictures of him next week playing.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!