Here is a place where I will share my thoughts, scrapbook projects, and photos with those I care about most! Thanks for coming over for a visit and stop back often!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ABBA, The Carpenters, and Cruise Control...

What do these three things have in common??? ME! I have spent over 8 hours in the last two days traveling back and forth to Indianapolis!!!! I am doing some training for my new job and the training is in INDY! Love the city, but love it more when I am there to rest, relax, shop, or go to a Colts game (love those Colts!!!), not to sit in a cubicle and train!

So some of my good friends over at Paper Popsicle (have you seen the latest kits over there???) gave me some suggestions on what to do during those long drives! I took up the one suggestion and got out some old CD's that I love to sing (yeah but the boys in my life don't like to hear me sing them) and just belted out the tunes all of the way home! Yes, I got some weird looks and the van did shake from me beating out the tunes on the steering wheel, but in the blink of an eye, I was home!!! Loved it! Next time I am going to bring some more of my oldies, but goodies to belt out to the driving world! So if you are on 69 and you see a crazy woman in a blue van singing...yes, that is me! Give me a wave, I will wave back....and don't worry my windows are up so you can't hear me!

Hope you are all having a great week! Here's to not driving to least until next week!


becca said...

valery!! you are hilarious!! we played a few carpenters songs at our wedding!! lol! glad the time flew for ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE the Carpenters. Abba? Not so much but I'll forgive ya! :)
You be careful driving you singing maniac! hee-hee!

Sue said...

I would love to see you jammin' in your van cruisin' along 69 - you go girl!! Gotta enjoy life and make lemonade, right?!!! Drive carefully while your jammin' though!! love the Carpenters (and the Colts)!!!

My name is Samantha said...

You have got to be kidding!!! You do make me laugh!! I would have loved to have been in the car with you, or in my car passing you on I69!!

Anonymous said...

Valery, you are soooo funny! :) Hey, why don't you open your windows tomorrow when you're going N. on I-69 just north of the Markle exit?? I only live a mile east (across the corn and bean fields), I'll be listening for you! :)
Drive safe.......

Becky C said...

LOL! Wish I could have been in the passenger seat! I would sing the harmony for you! (well, on the Carpenter's songs anyway.) I'm not a huge Abba fan though. You'd be on your own with them!
