Here is a place where I will share my thoughts, scrapbook projects, and photos with those I care about most! Thanks for coming over for a visit and stop back often!!!
So it has been a while since I have blogged (is that even a real word??) so I thought I would take a moment before we head up to MI to spend the holiday weekend with my BIL & SIL at there new condo!!!
Collin has started school and he is enjoying the 5th grade. He was nominated by his teacher last year to be a "conflict manager" on the playground so he is very excited that he will start his new "job" next week! He was so darn cute when he was telling me what they learned in their training..."mom, I have to pretend like I don't even know the kids who have the conflict.....this way I can make a fair assessment (whoa...big word alert) of the situation and help both kids come to a good solution..." So grown up and big!!!
I just got back from a training session for my job. I spent the week in Indianapolis....had a good time, but I am happy to be home with my family again!!! The training was so that I would be able to train foster parents in the future. All foster parents in the state of Indiana have to go through a minimum of 20 hours of training using this curriculum....which is VERY interesting! I learned ALOT!!! There are lots of changes getting ready to happen at my work....but you will have to wait a while until I can post any details!
Also I did get to scrap with my good friends Cathy and Samantha not too long ago and we had a blast!!! I love that scrapbooking has given me such good friends!!! I am also looking forward to seeing LOTS of my good friends at an upcoming crop that we are all going to!!! Can't wait!!!!
So there is the run down! I leave you with some layouts that I did for my mom (shhh it is a secret) of all of her barn animals. Some of the animals have passed away so I know that she will cherish this. I only have a couple more pages to go!!! (This is a very long awaited project that should have been done months and months ago when she gave me the pictures...but it is almost done now!).
Thanks for checking in with me and I hope that you all enjoy your holiday weekend!!!
What a WONDERFUL trip we had!!! We got back late Saturday night, luckily before all of the rain and storms started up. It was a completely awesome time in a wonderful part of the country!!! We definitely plan on going back as there is sooooo much to do there! I will give a run-down of everyone's favorite things in another post.
So the question of the day is HOW MANY PHOTOS DID I TAKE???? Well, not as many as I thought I would that is for sure! I took 314 photos...wish I had taken more, but then again I was having fun with the boys and sometimes just did not take the shot. So that means my winner of my RAK is Dustanne....a great fellow DT member from Paper Popsicle! I will be sending out her goodies soon!
So with this being Monday....did anyone have their kiddos start back to school today? Collin started today with a half day. It was kind-of sad walking him to his classroom and seeing all of the little guys going down the kindergarten seems like just yesterday Patrick and I were walking him down that hallway. Now he is in 5th grade and almost as tall as me! I feel so fortunate that he loves school and has always done well.
Okay....have a great Monday night and I will work on getting some pics up sometime hopefully this week!
Whew....we are out of here! Moments away from leaving the front door and heading to our final destination...Gatlinburg TN!!!! I am looking forward to relaxing and have some much needed fun with my boys! We will try to forget that as soon as we get back the "S" word starts...shhhh....don't say that too loud!
Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week! Make sure you check back to see who wins the RAK for guessing the number of photos I will take on vacation.....warning I am taking two cameras!!!

"Awesome!!!" That is what my son said when I told him that tonight we were going shopping for school supplies! He is MY SON!!! I used to love to go get new folders, binders, ruled paper, pencils, erasers....etc!!! He told me when we were in the store tonight, "mom, this is the best! I love the first couple days of school...we get to organize our desks, get all of our books, and use all of our new school supplies!!" Love this kid!!! We made a night out of it and went to Target, dinner (his choice KFC), and then to finish at Walmart. We also talked about how when we get back from vacation we will label everything and get it organized in his new backpack! Makes me smile to think about how much he enjoys this! We had a great time has become a ritual that we do together (dad has NO interest in school supplies...his loss according to both of us). Well, dad does pay for the supplies!
Hope you have had a good time getting your kiddos ready for another new year!

Well, I should say that Collin is learning all types of new things and school has not even started yet!!! We gently "encouraged" Collin to play football this year. I know, I know, most parents try to steer there kids away from sports like football, but I really thought Collin would enjoy it. He went to the first practice and then came home declaring that he "was not going to do THAT again!!!". We told him to stick it out and that it would get better.....and he just told us tonight that he is starting to like it!!!! Whew....I thought for a moment that our son would disown us! I am proud of him as I know that it has not been easy. He still has a long road ahead of him, but I think he is actually looking forward to it.
Here is a picture of him getting his mouth guard to fit in his mouth.....what an ordeal that was! He thinks he is cool now though talking with this piece of rubber in his mouth!!!
I was so happy to get to scrap a little this past weekend! I was busy doing various projects, but it always feels good to get in a little scrapping!!!
Here is a layout I did with the monthly kit from Paper Popsicle. Love Melissa's kits...they are the best! Great value with great new products!!!
Sorry the picture is not so good, the layout did not scan I thought a picture would be better....may have to re-think that! Thanks for checking it out!

Well, my good friend Dustanne over at
Paper Popsicle has been doing blog challenges for a couple of weeks now and I am late on the band wagon. So this one I am determined to complete! Here goes...
I am a blogger because...
I decided that I wanted to record my crazy wonderful life. From the little things to the major things in my life....that all of it was worth writing down.
I live where I do because (you don't need to give details of city/town/state/province...etc
Hmmmm...interesting question. I always thought that I would travel around and never really live in one spot. Here I sit in my home in Ft. Wayne, IN where I will probably stay for the remainder of my life. Not to say that this makes me sad in anyway at all. I love my hometown! I think it is a wonderful place to raise my son and I truly enjoy living here. I do love to visit other places, but I can't imagine not coming home to my city!
I like ________ about myselfI like my creative side. I have found ways to use my creative side in all of the "jobs" that I do. As a mother I find creative ways to play/learn/wonder with my son. As a social worker I find creative ways to do my job and make the kids and foster parents do their "jobs" better. As a wife I am always finding creative ways for my husband and I to be a better married couple. As a scrapbooker, I love to use my creativity...the possibilities are endless!!!!
I don't like ________ about myself
My temper....I wish I could control this better!!! This is something that I am always working on!!! As I have gotten older, it has definitely gotten better, but that makes me want to do even better!
I always wanted to be a _______
I always said that I was going to be a news reporter, never get married, and definitely no kids! Ha! I am so glad that I was wrong with all of those ideas! Love my job (social worker), my husband, and wouldn't know what to do without my wonderful son!!!!
I see myself in the future doing _____________ Some type of social work....I love the feeling of helping people make a difference in their lives! Still loving my husband...getting old together and traveling more together. Enjoying my son as he gets older and cherishing every minute with him!!!!!
Thanks Dustanne for making me think....So what do you think....answer a question for me about you in the comments section! I would love to get to know you better too!!!