So it has been a while since I have blogged (is that even a real word??) so I thought I would take a moment before we head up to MI to spend the holiday weekend with my BIL & SIL at there new condo!!!
Collin has started school and he is enjoying the 5th grade. He was nominated by his teacher last year to be a "conflict manager" on the playground so he is very excited that he will start his new "job" next week! He was so darn cute when he was telling me what they learned in their training..."mom, I have to pretend like I don't even know the kids who have the conflict.....this way I can make a fair assessment (whoa...big word alert) of the situation and help both kids come to a good solution..." So grown up and big!!!
I just got back from a training session for my job. I spent the week in Indianapolis....had a good time, but I am happy to be home with my family again!!! The training was so that I would be able to train foster parents in the future. All foster parents in the state of Indiana have to go through a minimum of 20 hours of training using this curriculum....which is VERY interesting! I learned ALOT!!! There are lots of changes getting ready to happen at my work....but you will have to wait a while until I can post any details!
Also I did get to scrap with my good friends Cathy and Samantha not too long ago and we had a blast!!! I love that scrapbooking has given me such good friends!!! I am also looking forward to seeing LOTS of my good friends at an upcoming crop that we are all going to!!! Can't wait!!!!
So there is the run down! I leave you with some layouts that I did for my mom (shhh it is a secret) of all of her barn animals. Some of the animals have passed away so I know that she will cherish this. I only have a couple more pages to go!!! (This is a very long awaited project that should have been done months and months ago when she gave me the pictures...but it is almost done now!).
Thanks for checking in with me and I hope that you all enjoy your holiday weekend!!!

good to catch up with you and find out what going on in your life
i love the layouts and i know your mom will also - i have not scrapped any, as i have had granddaughter for a few days and my sister is coming from tennessee
take care hope to see you soon
Great job on the layouts!!! I am sure she will love the book!!
thats an awesome book, very cool pages!!
Hi Val! Love that layout with Collin, he looks so little. He sounds so mature....growing up waaaayy to fast! If you watched the Colts last night, didn't they look awesome....go BLUE!!!!
You are SO in your element at your job Val! I'm so happy for you!
Darn cute layouts of your mom's pets! How sweet is that album! Hey, how about a stroll down memory lane.....
* remember the album I did in 2 weeks for the client who wanted it for her mother who she didn't get along with?
* remember the rule of "don't use the word love anywhere in the entire album!!"
* remember the picture of the crazy snarling dog that was to be one the MAIN PAGES of the album!
Oh my I'm laughing out loud all over again. Good times!
Oh and p.s.....your album of the adorable layouts and adorable pictures of the pets just made me remembering thinking when I was doing the clients album..."I so get scrapping about the fav family pet, but Good Lord how about a decent picture instead of the snarling, snaggly tooth growling Kodak moment I had to work with!"
Hi Valery! I love these layouts! I have to show Katie...she will just love those horses!
Hope you are doing well!
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