Here is a place where I will share my thoughts, scrapbook projects, and photos with those I care about most! Thanks for coming over for a visit and stop back often!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

BLOG Challenge from my good friend Dustanne...

Well, my good friend Dustanne over at Paper Popsicle has been doing blog challenges for a couple of weeks now and I am late on the band wagon. So this one I am determined to complete! Here goes...

I am a blogger because...

I decided that I wanted to record my crazy wonderful life. From the little things to the major things in my life....that all of it was worth writing down.

I live where I do because (you don't need to give details of city/town/state/province...etc

Hmmmm...interesting question. I always thought that I would travel around and never really live in one spot. Here I sit in my home in Ft. Wayne, IN where I will probably stay for the remainder of my life. Not to say that this makes me sad in anyway at all. I love my hometown! I think it is a wonderful place to raise my son and I truly enjoy living here. I do love to visit other places, but I can't imagine not coming home to my city!

I like ________ about myself

I like my creative side. I have found ways to use my creative side in all of the "jobs" that I do. As a mother I find creative ways to play/learn/wonder with my son. As a social worker I find creative ways to do my job and make the kids and foster parents do their "jobs" better. As a wife I am always finding creative ways for my husband and I to be a better married couple. As a scrapbooker, I love to use my creativity...the possibilities are endless!!!!

I don't like ________ about myself

My temper....I wish I could control this better!!! This is something that I am always working on!!! As I have gotten older, it has definitely gotten better, but that makes me want to do even better!

I always wanted to be a _______

I always said that I was going to be a news reporter, never get married, and definitely no kids! Ha! I am so glad that I was wrong with all of those ideas! Love my job (social worker), my husband, and wouldn't know what to do without my wonderful son!!!!

I see myself in the future doing _____________

Some type of social work....I love the feeling of helping people make a difference in their lives! Still loving my husband...getting old together and traveling more together. Enjoying my son as he gets older and cherishing every minute with him!!!!!

Thanks Dustanne for making me think....

So what do you think....answer a question for me about you in the comments section! I would love to get to know you better too!!!


Tami said...

Great answers. I love you layout too. The colors are awesome.


becca said...

hey valery, good job on the challenge! it was fun to read about you!! love the layout too!

Anonymous said...

Valery-Your blog is the first personal website I've ever read. It is pretty cool. We also vacation in Gatlinburg, TN. Nice to know you. pamela from Paper Popsicles